An unfortunate situation has arisen over the past week at Cedarbrae. To wit, because we are not promoting our evening/weekend signups some of them are not filling up.
For example, there was an open rec session today scheduled for 5:00pm that I believe would have sold out if it had been promoted.
This is costing CCLA money. Unnecessarily, in my opinion.
I realize that we have a minority of grumpy non-Cedarbrae-resident-members who don’t want to get email about anything other than what they — specifically — think is relevant.
But I have polled more than 60 evening/weekend players and literally 100% want to get MORE notifications about playing opportunities. (100% is not an exaggeration.)
I would point out that people who do not want to receive notifications already have the power to turn off notifications in SignUp Genius as follows:

We have more than 100 new members — some of whom actually live in Cedarbrae — who are completely unaware of the many playing opportunities that we offer outside of the daily rec times.
It seems to me that these players should be made aware of evening/weekend playing opportunities and that the very best tool that we have to create this awareness is SignUp Genius.
In addition to taking pressure off of our daytime rec slots, it would increase our revenues and provide evening/weekend programming to Cedarbrae residents.